I was scared out of my mind. But, I finally did it! Starting a YouTube channel has always been a dream of mine. And, i've made so many excuses of why I shouldn't. They were all out of fear. I would say I don't have a good camera, good lights or a beautiful space to film in. Honestly, I still think these things are valid reasons. But, in an effort to do things that scare me, I 👏 had 👏 to 👏 do 👏 it 👏.

So, here it is! This is my introduction video! This is me facing my fear of judgment, imperfection, rejection, and failure.

I've been letting fear stop me for too long. I haven't moved forward on too many opportunities because I was afraid. And, I was stuck. This is your formal invitation to come along with me on this new journey. Get unstuck and move your business forward with me. I hope to inspire you to dream big and get uncomfortable. Share something that you've been avoiding doing in your business in the comments. What is your completely valid excuse?

No one has ever gotten anywhere by doing nothing

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