Is It Time for Me to Rebrand?

Should I Rebrand My Business

If I’m considering rebranding then it must be time. Outside of me building my brand around the person, I thought people wanted me to be instead of the person I actually am (Yes, I went there.), I’ve completely revamped my business. So, it’s time to do the same for my branding! Scary.

The story is that my one-woman show became more stressful and demanding than I could have imagined. So, last year I bagged a full-time gig (YAY!). Every now and then I’ll take on a design project and I still manage an account or two but now I’m a full-time mommy and career gal. I could completely let go of Tavea Sanderson Brands, but I’m a creator and I have a serious itch to create my own passion projects. Now that that’s all cleared up, we can talk about how I got stuck in the damn matrix.

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The Reason My Rebrand Is Stuck


I’ve been dragging my swollen rebranding feet for over a year now. I have the vision, but the execution keeps failing. My vision is to be ME. To create a fun personal brand. Unpolished, honest, and transparent. I want afros, geometric shapes, bright colors, cheeky titles, punny phrases, braids and femininity. But, here I am a year later still being nitpicky, indecisive, and waiting for Jesus himself to bless my art before I share it.

I go through this with my clients ALL THE TIME. And, it drags out the design process. And here I am debating and second-guessing myself about how much “ME” I want to share. Will my personality be off-putting or will my dreams be too niche. Do I go with bright colors or a neutral trendy palette? Any designer who has worked with a handful of clients can see that I’m stuck because i’m scared. I sat down and really gave some this some thought and I realized that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This is why.

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The Luxury of Working For Someone Else

I have the beautiful luxury of working for “the people” and being damn good at it. I work at a nonprofit that makes me feel appreciated, valued and gives me the reigns to be innovative. To say I love my job would be an undersell. That being said, relaunching my brand as a genuinely me personal brand has no downside. My main income isn’t reliant on it and it’s me-centric so no one will be surprised. Oh, and it’s also around marketing, which is what I do in life. It’s Marketing & Me. That’s my tagline.

So, Is A Rebrand The Right Move?

If your business has changed, if you’ve had a shift in mindset or goals, if your branding is DIY or if your branding is out of date, then yes, you should consider a rebrand.

It’ll take a while for a full rebrand and implementation so stay motivated. My rebrand is going to include my website, new images, verbiage and graphics. But, i’m leaving my logo the same. Think about what makes sense to you and exactly what you really need. I like my logo and I think it’ll fit into my new look. If you can think of other reasons to or not to rebrand then share them below.



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