A Close Look at Powerful Marketing Strategies Real Businesses Are Using During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Now that we’ve all been confined to our homes we’re starting to see how COVID-19 is affecting the global market. Many of us have realized that it’s not just senior citizens who are suffering. Death tolls are rising and no group is being spared.

The world is taking this seriously.

We’ve accepted that our lives have changed. And companies are following suit. Businesses worldwide are speaking to their customers differently.

Before The Coronavirus Pandemic Was Real

I was a skeptic. I couldn’t tell if the media was trying to capitalize on the hype or if this was indeed a life-threatening event. Seeing the picnic, early on, I said businesses were going to quote “take advantage of the times”. Not to my surprise, marketers were quick to adjust.

As marketers, our job is to bring awareness of our products and services while communicating how we solve our ideal client’s problem. It’s that simple. We have a responsibility to share but not to abuse our privilege. Have some businesses gone too far with quarantine marketing?

In an effort to take my mind off of my own worries, I’m deflecting and reporting back what I’m seeing during this new world order.

New Coronavirus Motivated Marketing I’m coining “Quarantine Marketing”

Companies are now, more than ever, using 4 main feeling evokers to market to customers. Transparency, compassion, thoughtfulness, and fear. All of these are acceptable and many companies are getting ahead of the market before advertisers saturate the public numb. I’ve seen some great ads and some weird flexes.

Case 1: Home Depot Email Shows Transparency With Quarantine Marketing

Just this morning (actually early April when I initially wrote this) Home Depot sent me a simple text-only email outlining the COVID-19 guidelines that they’re putting in place to keep employees and customers safe.

Without overtly saying “look at us, we do good”, they conveyed to the public that they’re a considerate employer and a thoughtful distributer. They even threw in that they donated all new shipments of N95 masks to hospitals. Yay for philanthropy!Kudos to the Home Depot Marketing Team. They essentially turned their new company policies into a marketing piece. Genius.

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Case 2: Buick Commercial Exhibits Compassion with Quarantine Marketing

The scene is set. A cool gloomy but hopeful scene of a Buick truck driving down a windy stretch of road. A comforting man’s voice says they’re offering “zero-percent financing and deferred payment options”. The man uses the word “we” often to show us Buick is struggling along with us. And to top it off, he shares that they have online shopping and home delivery options. Can you say #socialdistancing?

Buick marketers are highlighting their humanity. They’re saying that they care about you not money. Now can they help you to help yourself during hard times? Notice that they never mention the tragedy that is the Coronavirus pandemic and simply allude to the current state of the world.

Thank you to the Buick Marketing Team for delicately sharing how Buick is supporting people in need.

Case 3: Small Businesses All Over Are Doubling Down With Thoughtfulness Online

I’ve noticed most of the acts of thoughtfulness through askless giving from small businesses & entrepreneurs. Askless meaning they’re not saying how they’re going to support your purchase. Online businesses are purely giving things away.

We’re not nieve. Of course, we know these gives are juicy bites of shopping mall orange chicken samples. But free is free. And we’re also bored and looking for ways to entertain ourselves and our children. Most notably, I have seen

The list goes on.

Case 4: Quarantine Marketing Through Fear

Technically, most marketing efforts are built around a few drops of fear and a dollop of FOMO. You’ve definitely seen a few of these scarcity tactics.

We have to shift our minds from thinking of marketing as the shifty used car salesman and see it as a friendly small-town community center marquee. Marketers help families and people by sharing how we can solve our problems and make life a bit easier (and stimulate the economy). And, people are hard-wired to take action in fear. We click because we’re afraid to lose access. We donate because we fear she won’t be educated and fulfilled in life.

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Are Companies Going Too Far With Quarantine Marketing?

I say no. At least not yet. I’d encourage all businesses to use this as an opportunity to give back and in return, you may pick up a few new customers. But, of course, be pure of heart in your efforts. Give real value. Don’t make any false claims. And later on, when this is all over, circle back around and tell your customers about your good heart. Because that’s marketing. It’s a little awkward but if your intentions are good, you can be a solution and help another human’s day go by much smoother.


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