Can Procrastination Be Productive?

Every time I wipe off the kitchen counter I end up on my hands and knees scrubbing the back of the toilet. What can I say? My procrastination is always productive. I'm wiping that spot off of the wall, cleaning fingerprints and toothpaste off the mirrors. I'm getting stuff done. It's great. But, it really sucks when the sun is setting and I still haven't finished editing a 5-minute video. I pay for all that tidying up at 11:00 pm at night.

If you've been there, you get it. If you're in still in denial. This is what I mean. You have a task that you need to accomplish and instead of working on it you're checking emails and responding to seemingly important issues. You're being productive, right? No. What you're really doing is avoiding the project because you're scared or you just don't feel like doing it. I talk all about this common habit in my latest video.

I'm a planner. So, of course, flipping to a blank page in one of my many Home Goods notebooks works for me. When I'm on the go, I use the notes section of my phone. How do you stay on course?

If you at least have a plan, a mission or a goal, then BOOM, no procrastination.

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